Rwby fm - wolves win! at least it wasnt a ******* scumstomp

If anyone votes for someone I’m gonna vote for the voter

please don’t vote Marshal (or anyone), we are in MyLo, optimal play is to no exe

that’s the joke

I did it after EoD mostly, I had skimmed before then but I took a deep dive yesterday

I was gonna briefly call cap on this but realistically I can see this from v!you (and do think that you were probably going to do that regardless of alignment) and do feel a bit bad regardless.

However I more or less stand by my actions, I should have let you post but I was feeling myself and didn’t feel like waiting but had no way to tell that’s what you wanted to say

it’s a mix of both

I think it is pretty terrible play if you are a villager and in particular no conceivable way for you as town to actually think it’s +EV

and particularly if Vul is a wolf there’s an obvious motivation for ‘quickhammer before the person townreading Blizer and scumreading Vul has the chance to post’

but once I got over my initial ‘Marissa is openwolfing’ reaction I remembered ToL FM where you made a play that was minus EV in a very similar way and I deathtunnelled you for it and you were a villager who had just thought it was funny

and possibly you think quickhammering before I get a chance to post is similarly funny

it literally doesn’t matter what you thought I wanted to say

even if I came back to the game thread and posted nothing but the word pepega there wasn’t any downside to letting me say it

and probably you could extrapolate from the fact that I said ‘don’t quickhammer, I have things I wanted to say’ that I had things I wanted to say. since, you know, you’re not stupid.

It wasn’t really done to be funny even if I thought it kind of was, more that I just didn’t feel like waiting, was confident, and in the moment thought I had completely got him.

I was aware it wasn’t +EV, I just didn’t rlly think it was risking anything, I assumed you’d post like 2 ‘vul is mafia’ walls that I’d skim and then we could move on.

I’m sorry that I did it cuz it was realistically kind of douchey but I think you’re overblowing it

I don’t care if you think I’m overblowing it

you’re not the one who didn’t get to post and came back to one of their villagereads dead

I’m in a low reception area right now so I might not be able to post for a bit

@Marshal re your earlier posts, I can explain the specific reason I thought you and Derps were >rand to be W/W if you want, you will probably think it’s a stupid reason but it is in fact a reason that exists

Middle of nowhere Texas, am spotty internet

Shrugze, I’m not gonna spend any more time defending it, I don’t rlly think it’s as bad as ur making out

Idr think this is out of your wolf range, you feel kinda tilted rn but I sort of remember this in upick and because you didn’t really indicate it at SoD it’s possible ur just a wolf who’s pulling this to look villagery / like you were gonna defend a villager.

also I just thought about it for a moment and I think the way Vul encouraged me when I was pushing on Derps and Marshal to be W/W is pretty unpartnery

should probably reread how that went down when I’ve slept more

wow :slight_smile:

I wonder how you could have found out whether I was going to defend him or not :slight_smile:

Maybe by letting me post :slight_smile:

look I’m sorry I get the tilt if ur town I shouldn’t have done it whatever

The fact of the matter is that it happened and making me feel bad about myself no matter what alignment you are isn’t going to accomplish anything, you can go on about what you think it means for my alignment but I’m starting to legit feel bad (ur prob gonna say “you should”, don’t).

fwiw I was also hesitant to put explicit reads in my SoD post because I hadn’t had the chance to do interactions analysis with Derps and I didn’t want to say something and then realize it was stupid when I looked into interactions

I still haven’t actually done that but apparently explicitly saying ‘I have things to say, don’t hammer’ is insufficient to result in you all not hammering, so.

We are gonna sleep today, I wouldn’t appreciate a quickhammer as I am in the “person that gets killed” pool.

If it comes down to it and I seriously need to case myself I will, I think I’m obvtown in like 4 different ways but I’d like to focus on solving more

I don’t endorsedly prefer you to feel bad

I think I might unemdorsedly prefer it though

I would like you to towncase yourself if you have time and it doesn’t trade off against solving the game

ideally with reference to more factors than just the Arctic doctor thing

And ftr iirc your derps me read was like “Marissa was giving rando independent unprompted wolf reads on derps which is rand a bus” which I felt was p bad reasoning because idfk how else I’m supposed to give them

Correct me if im wrong

Derps stuff is prob what makes me the most hesitant on your slot Beijing wolf because he sort of just laid down and died tunneling on a rando vanity wagon (me) and didn’t self press onto vul when he could have

I’m gonna need to take a strong look at more than just your iso and sitting in the back of an Infiniti in dickvillenowhere texas on my phone isn’t the best spot for that