Rwby fm - wolves win! at least it wasnt a ******* scumstomp

I don’t think i’ve made walls on it, i’ve sort of just insisted he’s town without writing any reasoning besides meta down because i’m like that

is it necessary for me to wall on hippo? I can

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i see no problem here

he’s in the towncore?

if this was EoD4 i didn’t see it because i didn’t read EoD4

Am I supposed to believe you never did think Hippo was town, but you never thought to question us putting him in the towncore, for… reasons?

i mean
if you want to, i guess
i’m probably not going to vote him here anyways

i didn’t even know he was in the towncore tbh

That… what? We’ve had him in the towncore for at least two days.

ok but
you’ve hardly talked about him D5 and today

and, again, if you put him in there EoD4
or like 8 hours before that
i never read that part, so

My dude, Hippo has been eating townreads for this entire game. He’s been eating more townreads recently, but you’ve never even tried to push him, ever.

i don’t wolfread him
honestly i didn’t even know he was alive

But back to my original question, who am I with? Am I a wolf with Hippo? Am I a wolf with Atlas? These are important questions for you to ask yourself, because you need to find 2 wolves, not one.

We are in final six. How can you forget a player is alive?

in order to determine that i’d have to ISO dive hippo
so uh
give me a few minutes
this probably won’t ever come to anything but

ok but

also don’t find this out of the realm of possibility, wat this explicittly stated

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he hasn’t posted at all today
has he?

Why have you not done this unprompted? If you really do think I’m mafia, you need to find my partner. Do you think other players will carry you to victory?

because lol
