Rwby fm - wolves win! at least it wasnt a ******* scumstomp

@Arete Is it possible that its me and vul?

there is no ā€˜weā€™, this isnā€™t a chummy team game where we work together to find out areteā€™s thoughts

its my goal and mission to eradicate you from the earth with the force of a billion suns

itā€™s not something that can be mechanically ruled out from vote order

I havenā€™t gone through your interactions

Shush, wolf boy

Oh, fun

Eli hasnā€™t done anything to progress the game for the past 3 days at least. Arguably for the entire game.

You could argue ā€œneither has Atlasā€ but eh.

im neither of those things

Wolf boy sounds funny so i say it

i spent the last 6 days building up an immunity to iocane powder
i spelled it wrong didnā€™t i

atlas virtually noposted for like 3 days and only showed up to lylo

I included everything useful that you said in my iso of you, and 90% of it was fluff

Eli at least kept up some posting and answered questions, atlas full on ghosted

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I will admit that Eli scumreading Hippo a few days back, somehow, and Hippo getting nightkilled right after ~might~ point to Eli being a villager.


Then again, if Eliā€™s town, then wolves could leave Hippo alive because Eli might misvote him or something.

I do actually think atlas/vul is not suuuper likely because of how atlas handled the vote on vul

let me find something actually that i think is
I guess only if vul is a villager but if vul is a wolf then atlas is also a wolf so

This is true.

see thatā€™s why iā€™m confused about hippo NK

answers in a word you mean