Rwby fm - wolves win! at least it wasnt a ******* scumstomp

Empirical evidence tells me you were at EoD for 30 minutes, made a grand total of 4 posts during the time while everyone was scrambling, and didn’t place a vote when you had several options available to you.

Those are signs of being frozen. And while the CRich wagon was definitely running away at the time (and close to hammer), the other two alternatives were a flipped wolf and a likely wolf. I could see you being hesitant there as a wolf.

are you two talking about the same day

I keep talking about eod 1.

And the posts I quoted are all from EoD 1.

Well I figured out like 30 seconds ago when I checked it was d1

I thought we were talking about a different day, didn’t see cringe Richard in the votes

The threadstate during these 30 minutes was still volatile enough that you voting Eli or Derps could’ve made the wagons shift that way. It’s possible you didn’t want to vote anyone at all, because voting CRich could’ve made you look suspicious for hopping onto that at random, and voting someone else could’ve resulted in a wolf dying.

Wasn’t it 6/9 on richard?

Not saying that’s what happened, but the pieces are there.

The VC I quoted earlier where the Eli wagon is pure and 2+ wolves pile on lol over Eli also exists.

This is the first vote count I saw after I woke up

When I woke up, it was 6/9 on Richard, and the first vote after that was 7/9

There was no way my vote would shift the vote on eli or derps

CRich essentially sealed his fate with the way he played EoD, but still.

This point no longer stands

Then why did you not vote anyone who had a real chance of going over? Could you explain your EoD1 mindset?

You didn’t comment on a single wagon, either. The closest thing was something like “what did Arctic do?” when Arctic wasn’t even a real wagon.

I’m pretty sure why I said I didn’t vote Richard, cause I had no clue what he did wrong

But I was content with the vote

That’s true. What about the others?

Because I said before, he was being cringe