Rwby fm - wolves win! at least it wasnt a ******* scumstomp

I played bad

i know i did, and i do have to go back to the drawing board on somethings honestly

didnā€™t read the game but great job arete for saving a shitter slot from being mislynched and great job to marshal and atlas especially i expected marshal didnā€™t expect atleas


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F5 village ignoring every single villagerā€™s reads to give me hammer:

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Had a very fun time spectating this game.

GG wolves, Marshal and Atlas specifically played a fantastic game.

I left a lot of comments in spec chat since it was basically me for most of the game.

atlas played very well, Iā€™m proud of him!

ok but objection

  1. i had to go on a campout like
    but mods told me to not talk about that
  2. it was inevitable

Atlas and Derps i shouldnt have wrought off, i think me ignoring Derps was cause i sawi that interaction be W/T in my eyes

reality was it was W/W


Spec chat being Dat


Initiative to improve townplay thread moment.


anyways gg

wolves played very well

sorry about spending a day and a half tunneling you Vul :upside_down_face:



Im sorry for self-hammering and not letting you get your post in

really big thing i regret this game tbh


me, sitting, waiting to replace into F3 with Vul/Marshal: :eyes:


Iā€™m glad I trusted you in the end.

Iā€™m not glad I abandoned my Marshal read. That said, I feel like I wouldnā€™t have been able to convince people to vote her.


im just like
done with
like making any sort of attempt at doing anythng

U still had today to do it and discussing replacing out breaks integrity donā€™t do that

we will never know

Like, back when I first said she was mafia on day 2 everyone thought I was either mafia or town and wrong.

when eli said that I was very nervous cuz i could see who was in specchat or not and I knew you were still on sublist and i thought i might get totally fuckedze

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Hey we got a 47er

you can relax in that

until ITA and events start

well yes, but actually no

yeah chloe told me after i talked about it