Rwby fm - wolves win! at least it wasnt a ******* scumstomp

it was hypothetical

oh you got me there

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blizer those are from different tournaments

oh yeah this was the “that deepwolf” post i was just talking to you about lmao

tbh it’s kind of unfair to imposters that marl got tracked

like imagine being an imposter and defending marl a ton while making a joint plan to watch chloe vent and then pulling it off (a big feat, she’s really good at sus amogus and one of our biggest threats) and have him more or less be a consensus crewmate only for somebody you were planning to throw into space turning out to be dumby crewmate that saw marl stab and vent. This is totally hypothetical btw but if I were hypothetically an imposter in this situation I would find it really unfair that TWICE IN A ROW I GOT FUCKING TIMINGED BY CREWMATES, taking a very winning position into a tougher one. It’d absolutely ruin my hypothetical day.

therefore we should chuck min into space to make it more fair

that was all hypothetical btw


how did i do

i have no idea what was happening here or what this game is or even who any of you people are but the Euros and the World Cup are different tournaments


by not replacing in you allowed me to snag a spot

so the question is whether that’s protown or antitown

i would ask for feedback, but i think i already know what you’re going to say

i also would like to think that i’m aware of my problems
i’m just bad at
actually doing something about them

do it anyway

protown: you voted atlas when i probably wouldnt have
antitown: i would have voted marshal probably

conclusion: cat

awete feedback pwease

I couldn’t vote Marshal, I wasn’t alive in F3

shouldnt have died then 4Head

I remember thinking multiple times during this game

“I think Arete is a wolf”
“Their case on me is good”
“I’m a wolf”
“Wait I’m not a wolf but the case is still good what was I even doing”


pick me pick me

anyway aelin really did host this entire game so she could make neapolitan a mafia neapolitan huh

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alright later nerds i think that’s about as much facts and logic as you can all handle see you in CFM

They’re pulling from 451 here

Not the worst reason to host a game


I think the biggest problem you had this game is that once you came to the conclusion that someone was an {alignment} (usually a wolf), you basically just interpreted all their posts as scummy and only really looked for how what they were doing made sense from specifically a wolf perspective, even if it also made sense from a village perspective (this can be seen pretty clearly in your treatment of me + Blizer). I think it would help your play to reevaluate more and try to avoid confirmation bias – you have a solid logical foundation, but that foundation sometimes leads you into tunnels.

I also think it might be beneficial to try and work more with people you think are villagers/listen to the people you townread more. This one is trickier because even if you’re right that they’re a villager they can still be wrong, but sometimes they’ll have insights that you didn’t think of.