Rwby fm - wolves win! at least it wasnt a ******* scumstomp

so why am i in 6

Iā€™m really not that certain on you.
But I think youā€™ve got some more town equity than wolf.

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I think pkrs town tbh


me too

His readslist is kinda bad but it has thought into it and no obvious agenda.

but paranoia has nothing to do with it?
marl pushed her for a completely different reason (being opportunistic with a readslist, i think?)
it just looks like youā€™re shutting down this read in bad faith

Marl forcing a thunderdome as a wolf when he knows it seals his fate doesnt make sense to me

Yes i know im voting him idk where to move lol

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Ok then.
Go from your theory that Iā€™m shutting it down in bad faith.

Why am I doing so?
Go on, explain your logic on me.

/unvote @Aelin

Isnā€™t mist confirmed town via no vigi ccā€™s?

If I am a wolf, why would I do what I have been doing?
Just explain your thought process so I can understand and that others can keep track of it too.

Itā€™s never bad to elaborate.

in chloe wolf worlds
to try and stop marl thunderdoming your wolf partner

she could technically be lying and mafia and the vig doesnā€™t want to claim

itā€™s not that likely tho

And I go in to defend W!Chloe D1?
Thereby making it so if she dies, I get pressure on me?

I donā€™t really see a reason why the vigi wouldnā€™t claim if mistā€™s lying

Because could easily be cover for the vigi.
Idk, Iā€™m just thinking itā€™s possible.
I would do that if Iā€™m VT or something similar to that.

Giving PRs room to claim VT is important or else theyā€™ll be offed.

no because i donā€™t think anyone actually thinks chloe is dying d1
itā€™s more like
you trying to prevent it, and then if you flip itā€™s hard to determine if you were trying to make chloe look bad or defend her

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Alright, thatā€™s valid.
But Iā€™m trying to think of my recent wolf-team games.
I donā€™t think I really defend people.

Yes this is self meta so lol!PKR rn

The only main wolf-team game I remember on this site (because it became glorious) was Insurgency.
I was a wolf with Chloe.

And I chose to grand trial her so she could bleed town and that I could distance from her.

Also Seth was mafia with us and we didnā€™t really try to keep him alive? I actually claimed a red on him and set up a firing squad D2 lol.

Why donā€™t we think chloe is dying d1 who is more likely to flip mafia?