Rwby fm - wolves win! at least it wasnt a ******* scumstomp

This insinuates theirs already 10 parts

Do tell

Heard they had like 10 parts of a Henry stickman fanfic



‘vig10’ is a setup, and henry stickman was the flavor of that setup.
Although I like your interperetation of events better

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Would’ve been funnier if I was right

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i agree
fun fact i hosted that game

What is vig10 then?

the bible is halfway done

hand hurty

only halfway

oh no

The setup has 1 town vigilante, 2 mafia goon, 7 vanilla town

Taking bets on who the wolf is

Imma say Wazza

Lol has pretty much been silent this entire time so I bet them

christ chloe

I should just tell chloe that the only way she can become locktown is by doing my essays

she’d be through at least 2 of them by now

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you act like im not multitasking like a mofo

I guess when you have that many dogs and cats to pet it gets hard to grind through a wallpost

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vig10 is the following:
Town Vigilante (infinite use no guilt)
x7 VT
x2 Mafia Goon

I had my first alcohol today
underm y parents watch of course

i think im drunk

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you’ll finally understand why joycats are funny

that isn’t going to end well