Rwby fm - wolves win! at least it wasnt a ******* scumstomp

1, I’m using that.
2, I’m using that.
3, I’ve used that.
4, I don’t need to read someone based on others’ reactions to them. I am myself. I have my own reads and my own reasons.

yeah then how you forgot these ways to read people

But we need content to be able to do what you’re saying.
To get tone, you need posts.

i think our definition of content is different tbh

I’m going to step out for a bit before I explode any more.
Scumread me for being like this if yall want.
If I get vigged, so be it.

I’ll take my thoughts, my feelings and my words to my grave in this game.
I’ll do what I think is right.

cant lie i cant read pkr but he is always towny to me so im happy with it

enjoy the content boys

yes yes
kill pkr

why do you make everything so dramatic lmao

Yes yes
Keep up the amazing trend of people being wrong on me early game.
Your reaction there fucking sucks and you know it does too.

Am I a wolf Arctic? Your thoughts on me have been level 1 at most.
Come on, show me what you’re made of.

In before I scum read PKR, revise it to a town read and be proven right.


your thoughts this entire game have been level 0

Then explain it.
Case me.
Do fucking something so you can be held accountable once you’re inevitably proven wrong.

BlueLance’s VT claim could’ve theoretically been coached but I’m not going to make tinfoil theories like that until I see other wolves flip.

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he’s town just sheep my towncore


That’s what I’m going off personally.
With those who I scumread, coaching is absolutely possible.
And I’d argue… probable even.

Is it a bad thing that the only memorable thing about BlueLance is their VT claim?
I should compare them to latest FoL and see if I can find similarities between this game and their neutral evil game.


If they fail to post more, they’ll be replaced out, I’m not necessarily bothered much

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Also currently out atm, just using my internet.

Here’s a tip for everyone, don’t claim VT, I don’t care what you’re trying to do, learn to shut up about claims