Rwby fm - wolves win! at least it wasnt a ******* scumstomp

there is a non zero chance i hammer because i dont want to be at breakfast and miss flip

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What did richard even do that was suspicious? I was asleep

oh thereā€™s several things

Which are?

/vote owo

katze isnt playing


heā€™s AtEing to no end
thatā€™s basically what i can gather with my limited brainpower

oh wait is that it

nah dudeā€™s v

no thats by far not it

oh ok

Sometimes I wish I was still banned here.

i mean my brainpower is limited atm but

He replaced into Chloeā€™s slot which was scummy, people began jumping onto him.

Heā€™s V

Sometimes I wish youā€™d be quiet

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mist who are you going to shootzen

probably cheese

maybe lol

Yes and there is Arctic and you know I donā€™t like him at all.

you should probably straight up say this for tracker / neighborizer actions

thatā€™s my pool

ill probably decide based on flip

I would honestly blast Appel tonight for that post about joining the CRich wagon, regardless of CRichā€™s alignment. It fits both the ā€œI am joining this V wagonā€ and ā€œwe have decided to busā€ narratives. Plus, it deflects responsibility for the flip (if there is a responsibility to be deflected) onto Appelā€™s declared townreads, because she cites ā€œher townreads voting thereā€ as her reason for joining the wagon.

Her reaction to me pointing that out was also not very good in my book.

Home, sweet home.

Shoot Klopp.

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