I act like a plant on the internet and I joke around plenty.
I act like a plant on the internet and I joke around plenty.
8 is Unseen! I’m Sheriff.
I am best player on this forum
The headache is now at the back of my eye
My name isn’t actually Kai lel
I am currently a student at the University of Michigan, and I have a very dry sense of humor that literally nobody gets right.
I am Male
No, #8, you are Unseen.
I am a ginger.
I mean
I didn’t know that
And I didn’t know you go to the University of Michigan.
I like writting in crappy fonts and gradients
I want all alchs to burn in hell have a great life!
I’m not a nuclear scientist
My name is firekitten
I am a ragey Aspie that likes wrasslin’ and, uhh…
I think all of you are wrong
No u
I think Nuclear is always right
BAmm paradox
I didn’t know that about you