SCP FM - Dead Chat

Could we see it since you scrapped

no as I am still using some parts of it Iā€™m just redoing most of the classes except a few

also Iā€™m stuck on making abilties for like you and other people

thereā€™s nothing standing out and Iā€™ll just say I gave you a tracker type Ability in the first edition

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Thatā€™s exactly where I thought you would get stuck

Use FoL 18 hint hint

Remember, cat
No ā€œdoes somethingā€ abilities
No hidden wincons
Not (too much) bastardry

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I do not agree with any of these conditions btw

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I agree with the second one actually

You donā€™t agree with the third one? : ^)

I mean Iā€™ll say if itā€™s bastard or not depending on what it is after it, but idk if people think bastard is fun or not

I donā€™t think majorly bastard is fun but I find a lot of people disagree with what I find fun

actually solution

The bastard most people donā€™t have fun with is screwing with players directly.
Like lying.
Everything else should be fine on this site. Players actually have a decent bullshit tolerance.


Unless you are me :^)

You mean I shouldnā€™t make it a neutral Killing all game and make it so firekitten feels upset

oh wait

Basically the first one is to give players control, and people like having control.

omfg i died

omg we lost omg


dies again

dies again again

is this good