SCP FM - Dead Chat

“The trouble with most of us is that we’d rather be ruined by praise than saved by criticism.”

Vig Marl N3 then claim it was a non-player mechanic that was responsible for it


so wazza is the only person im better than

Claim wolf in response to Eevee claiming lost wolf to you when Eevee’s claim was obviously an FPS


honestly I’m not hyperdumb that often
but when I go hyperdumb you sure know that I’m going all-in

Ici again

Imagine a forum mafia world where everyone is 10% better then what they are right now

do I write these down

how good am I from 1 to 10

take notes. if you just follow these directions you’ll be considered to be a reasonably alright player who nobody listens to nonetheless


scared newbie screams

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gotta admit your reaction to that was undoubtedly the best part of that, even if it nearly cost the village the game

you know, it just killed a seer and an angel

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anyone want a n word pass


  • If your big elaborate theory feels wrong, it probably IS wrong.
  • Don’t overthink things.
  • FPSing will not really make you a better player but if it’s sufficiently outrageous, everybody wil want you in your games and your social status will be arbitrarily improved

does outting a deep cover by FPS’ing count

no, that’s just the kind that actually works


ah fair then

We actually need a guide though ici

If the people of this community got significantly better I would be so happy

Right now I’m really bored and that’s why I don’t feel like joining a lot of games here

I love ya, Klopp’s guide, but we really do need a better villaging guide.

Also we need a better wolfing guide, because while powerwolfing does 100% work, it’s hard to convince people to do it.

i think we should consult the Elders of Mafia