SCP FM - Dead Chat

Yo también

eres ultra noob admitelo

Can you find a replacement tho?

Luxy I think

luxy would have replaced squid or someone else

Luxy is in my classcard

He was on hja’s card

Yep. Precautionary.

Now that Hja is dead, it is fine.

@meteoro Tentarei ponerlo en el traductor

Then replace him quickly (even throught town loses either way)

It may modconfirm his flip, but it doesn’t endanger game integrity



Isn’t there a way to see who looked at a document before on the google document, idk how to do it but I think there’s a way

if there isn’t I give up defending Simon

He’s probably innocent but :man_shrugging:

We have a tiny better chance of winning with luxy

Added to corrupted ppl list

Atleast luxy Will play a Game since he returned

The way I explained it? Probably, however it’s always best to replace here as a host.

Funny thing is I’m pretty sure I’m having the reverse effect on him and that Geyde is going to let Simon stay

maybe I can hypnotise Geyde

also ignore everything I said before

just do what u want

Also boss drug dealed me that I had a date with hot anime girl in a dream