SCP FM - Dead Chat

Cala te noobito

foda-se você

“Winning as a lone serial killer is probably the hardest thing to pull off in the entirety of werewolf. The larger the game is, the harder it is to do.

If your game has a lot of kills in it, it gets even harder.

If you do put a serial killer in a large game, and have him have a last man standing condition, you need to give them serious power. The ability to be unkillable for a certain amount of time, a guaranteed kill, the ability to earn more powers, all of that and more. ”

this is talking about a 50p game, half the power of the above to get what sk is actuallynsupoose to be here

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Final three sk always tbh

What if SK can convert

That’s an inquisitor, not a sk

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That’s inquisitor

No targeted swearing,bad hja

It means you’re noob

You can’t trick me …

Item#: SCP-106
Object Class: Keter



SCP-106 appears to be an elderly humanoid, with a general appearance of advanced decomposition. This appearance may vary, but the “rotting” quality is observed in all forms. SCP-106 is not exceptionally agile, and will remain motionless for days at a time, waiting for prey. SCP-106 is also capable of scaling any vertical surface and can remain suspended upside down indefinitely. When attacking, SCP-106 will attempt to incapacitate prey by damaging major organs, muscle groups, or tendons, then pull disabled prey into its pocket dimension. SCP-106 appears to prefer human prey items in the 10-25 years of age bracket.

You are completely immune to death from all sources other than a lynch. This includes strongman kills.

All abilities will peek you as a Scientist with Anomalous.

During the night you may choose a player to kill by bringing them into your pocket dimension. This kill cannot be stopped by any means.

You know that the flavors of [Site Manager] and [Security Chief] are not present in game.

You win when both the Foundation and the Chaos Insurgency are defeated.

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Que merda você acabou de dizer sobre mim, sua putinha? Saiba que fui o melhor da minha turma dos traficantes, e estive envolvido em várias operações secretas contra o morro da Formiga, e tenho mais de 300 mortes confirmadas. Eu sou perito em guerra de favelas e sou o melhor abatedor de todas as forças armadas de Borel. Você não é nada para mim, tá ligado. Vou te arrebentar contigo, com uma habilidade que lixo como tu nem sonha, guarde minhas palavras. Tu acha que tu pode falar merda na internet? Pense de novo, filho da puta. Enquanto estamos aqui no face a minha gangue está procurando o teu IP, é bom que se prepare para uma tempestade, verme. A tempestade que apagará a coisa patética a que tu chama de vida. Está morto, muleque. Eu posso estar em qualquer lugar, a qualquer hora, e eu posso te matar de 700 maneiras diferentes, e isso é só com as minhas próprias mãos. Não sou treinado só em combate corpo-a-corpo, como eu tenho acesso a todo o arsenal do Borel e vou usar tudo para te apagar deste continente, seu merda. Se soubesse da vingança que o teu comentário “divertido” te trouxe, talvez tivesse calado a porra da tua boca. Mas não sabia, não se calou e agora vai pagar o preço, idiota. Vou cagar rios de fúria e tu vai te afogar. Está morto, muleque.


This is the SK card

Also, never again not make town green

It’s super annoying for everyone involved


I can’t copy translate that

Where have I seen that copypasta before :thinking:

Cuz you put it in spoiler noob

Right click > see source

I am on phone