It’s all good though
Sorry Geyde, it was a surprise trip, had no time
what kind of monster forces physical activity and no internet on you as a surprise?
My mother.
My father :^}
Alright guys.
I need people to say what they think the difference between village firekitten and wolf firekitten is. I’m doing a “project”
That’s hillarous cause I actually have 5 cats and 1 dog
I mean is it wrong though?
It’s the super dangerous monster only found in the wild, its name is Parents That Think Their Child Would Enjoy This. They are a super dangerous species as their main defense is making you feel bad if you were to say I don’t actually enjoy this. It’s prey is usually its own kids. They usually torture their prey, some experts say that they do this unintentionally but other experts disagree and say they gain energy off of suffering of others.
also found way to fix mindflayer
choose a person if they are that class occupy them bypassing everything.
They are effectively suicide bomber against non-foundation
Gamer will be modkilled if I can’t find a replacement by the end of the night
Oy Lazare, Lazare
Tuka ni sa kazali
Tervo tuka doydohme
Moma momche naydohme
Ya momata godete
Ya momcheto zhenete
Raduvay se, raduvay
Raduvay se domakine
Kolko liste po gorach
Tolko zdrave na taz kyshcha
With google a crap ton. Without it like around 10-15.
wolf firekitten doesn’t die within the first 3 nights and isn’t pushed nearly enough
also something about the tone of voice but it’s hard to place before d3
it’s easier to think about if you imagine them as two widely different people yet similar at the same time, like fraternal twins
put a message in the game thread, i’m not sure that everyone knows