SCP FM - Dead Chat

take notes. if you just follow these directions you’ll be considered to be a reasonably alright player who nobody listens to nonetheless


scared newbie screams

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gotta admit your reaction to that was undoubtedly the best part of that, even if it nearly cost the village the game

you know, it just killed a seer and an angel

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anyone want a n word pass


  • If your big elaborate theory feels wrong, it probably IS wrong.
  • Don’t overthink things.
  • FPSing will not really make you a better player but if it’s sufficiently outrageous, everybody wil want you in your games and your social status will be arbitrarily improved

does outting a deep cover by FPS’ing count

no, that’s just the kind that actually works


ah fair then

We actually need a guide though ici

If the people of this community got significantly better I would be so happy

Right now I’m really bored and that’s why I don’t feel like joining a lot of games here

I love ya, Klopp’s guide, but we really do need a better villaging guide.

Also we need a better wolfing guide, because while powerwolfing does 100% work, it’s hard to convince people to do it.

i think we should consult the Elders of Mafia

Who are the elders of mafia

all 4 hippolytuses

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Btw ici when did you meet Eevee

Hosting Tips:

  • Only host terribly townsided games with broken mechanics.
  • Be sure to duplicate at least one player per game

@Kirefitten I met him on ToS when we started hosting non-mafia games. I was absolutely disasterous as a 13-year old, so I fucked everything up. But we maintained contact, and we ended up where we are now.

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idk what to to post and I can’t cancel for some reason so yeet

dammit I pressed reply again now im stuck with this until I post another thing

this is like a really bad horror story spawned from a writing prompt that will become an SCP at some point


“The Man Who Could Not Click The Cancel Button!”