*scuttle scuttles* WHO WE SENDIN

Not easy to read

I’m just always scumread

Regardless of alignment


Am literally none of the above xD

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Awful record (1/3), lost all respect in SFoL 17.5, and I usually play for more classic game types such as Purgatory/Mountainous

@Marluxion @Marluxion @Marluxion @Marluxion @Marluxion @Marluxion @Marluxion @Marluxion @Marluxion @Marluxion @Marluxion @Marluxion @Marluxion @Marluxion @Marluxion @Marluxion


+Parfait +Eevee.

Don’t bother voting for me, I won’t be on for quite a while after this. Sowwyz :stuck_out_tongue:

I’ll miss you

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(By that I mean not as active. I started school after all)
Have more confidence!

can we nominate ourselves?
i dont expect to go (i admit im not exactly the best) but i kinda want to see whod vote for me

Wait. Who voted for me?

I think voting Eevee is the move.

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I personally hate marlixion tbh

if we’re worried about easy scumreading you could always send me.
afaik unless youve played with me before im quite the confusing player

I expect to not being voted for but if I am chosen by vote I will not accept your nomination

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:b:ote Nozzy.

Choo Choo?

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I will :b:ote for Marl

I’ll nom NightX as someone I’ve also seen around here play really well

How many people get sent?



Tbh I have no time for mafia championships though.

I want to nominate Myself, The worse player ever