*scuttle scuttles* WHO WE SENDIN

So that would mean I only nominated one

We’re not voting yet, it’s just nominating, voting will come this weekend


Hi alfa i nominate u

Nah bro, I suck lel

Do I not get to nominate myself?
Celeste did :sweat:

Did you nominate yourself? I didn’t see



I refuse my nomination

Btw, I voted only for Marly. :3

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I also really wanna vote for Parfy tho.

Shurian, gotta send some of those new faces over too, right :wink:
Right? :sweat_smile:
In all seriousness, is it 6 going, do y’all know or?

never :^)

This please :wink:

It was worth a shot, right?


Marl, do you know how many you guys can send?

We send 1 person pretty sure

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I read the thing. 1 player only.

1 player + a back up is anything goes wrong

If someone happended to die…
(Holds a axe)

The axe is too heavy for you. You slam it on the ground, its head hitting the ground.