[SFM] Airship Zeppriphon - Game Over

This post made no sense to me. Please explain.

The German Spy would be the only one who could kill. The Saboteur canā€™t kill N1. If you had killed Hippo this would mean that the Spy would have been unable to perform the kill (if blocked) and/or didnā€™t submit one (case EOTW spy)

And if that was the case then Launchpad may have been lying about British check. Hence wanting to know.

@Ami Did you hint at this yesterday?

donā€™t believe i did

Why not?

Actually, they didnā€™t swerve the lynch at all.
They took things in a direction that ended up amounting to nothing.

@sulit You should out who you jailkept last night. It eliminates a player as likely German Spy.

Iā€™m fairly sure thatā€™s just flavor considering how similar games operate

Replace swerve the lynch with took things a different direction then. Youā€™re being semantic instead of seeing the inherent point of the argument

I agree that itself is flavor. I was seeing if Kai was informed of the chat during the day.

Iā€™m a bit antsy at this point, so I think Iā€™m getting ahead of myself

Why are you antsy?

I have a lot of nulls and I still feel like I could be wrong on my TRs.
Basically everything is scummy and Iā€™m not sure what to do as I usually never get in these situations

What if I said Blueā€™s theory had merit and Shurian and Maximus Prime were the wolves?

Iā€™m not sure what exactly makes Maxi scum here, although I get the case with Shuri.
Iā€™m still leaning on Kai for their d1 along with VCA

Blueā€™s theory has logic that would make sense if I hadnā€™t equated a desert/trait flip to a town flip for VCA purposes earlier on.

Is there really any difference between trait/desert flip and town flip for purposes of VCA?

I need the case for Max explained here.
Kaiā€™s telling of the neighborhood felt vague.

Launchpad. Just got back to my hotel, gonna reread the thread.

Iā€™m gonna take some notes on hippā€™s reads.

So then unless youā€™re a German Launchpad is confirmed not Spy.