[SFM] Airship Zeppriphon - Game Over

Lynch + kill

well, i disagree

i did not like wazza’s interactions and the stuff he said about kai before and he soft defended them by voting me when i was voting them iirc so i’m fairly certain that they’re a team

and if he didn’t shoot the outed deserter claim and either saved his gun or tried to risk a shot that’d be even more susp so i don’t think it’s really ai

@Magnus Get over here and contribute, starting with your results that you must have by now.

5 town, 1 sabo

assuming we mislynch it’s 3 town, 1 sabo

sabo can’t kill so then if we somehow mislynch again it’s 2 town 1 sabo which is lylo so we’re actually safe for another 2 nights

There were 2 kills that day, he had to have shot the deserter - and I don’t see him risking Geyde’s death like that if he’s scum.

My suspects are Magnus and Eevee.

@Icibalus how many hours do we have left again

Under 24.

nvm im fucking blind we have like 19 hours left

I think at present we’re sitting at 20 hours.

Eevee and Bluestorm dont match.

Who on which night?


show logs like what blue said lmao


Blue, what is most townie thing you did in this game in your opinion?

@sulit @Wazza pls get on and talk more k thx

Point out that Geydepad had to be the Deserter, and steer the lynch away from Maxi to Kai.

And the second one is townie becouse?

can someone ping me on discord when sulit/wazza get on? i gtg for a bit

why’d this reply to eevee

Why are you quoting me when asking, lmao.

oh yeah, cuz ur in fk’s game server

ping me in game server when they come

N1 - Forgot to use ability
N2 - Eevee
N3 - Bluestorm (mismatched)