[SFM] Airship Zeppriphon - Game Over

Max + EOTW is where I am at atm

You start. I have been doing things with every post.

You are going after low hangy fruit just like oops sorry

Clearly I am not. I have well justified reasons of things you are doing scummy. Max is not drawing conclusions and seems to try to sneak by not reading the thread and not interacting with obvious bad posts.

I am very good at mislynching anyone when scum. People here can attest to that. I do not go after low hanging fruit

But lynching me is easier an dyou are probably lazy or dont have anything to go after anyone wait i have an idea if you think I am not scum who is scum

/vote Mathdino if i havenr already

Lol I am MathBlade not MathDino.

And I think you are scum. I think if you arenā€™t scum you arenā€™t trying. Itā€™s almost midnight for me and I have a hard time seeing you as town.


No youre wrong I am hypbotist its likr court wizard I change peoples rooms 2 times hypbotist is town role there i said it

Guys vote mathnlade we beat em before well beat em again

Itā€™s Mathblade.

Claiming here is literally pointless for two reasons

  1. We already know everyoneā€™s roles
  2. Any role here could be a wolf role as itā€™s chosen at random

A replacement is needed! A brief reminder NOT to discuss replacements, as doing so is a form of angleshooting. @Blizer


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Who left

Youā€™ll learn who after they are replaced.

Hi fritz I mean mathdino you are german plase accept this and we will lymch you it wont hurt


I saw British. I am a simple man.



/replace in


Hi fellow british friend vote german with me who is mathdino in this game idk if he is german actually

@Wazza has replaced @Frostwolf103

"We received your telegram about the Colonel going under a change of personality. This is slightly worrying but par for the course. Just make sure that this new personality dosenā€™t know how to fire a gun. Not for your safety, of course; we just donā€™t want to be woken up by one of you crying about how he shot your bestie."