[SFM] Airship Zeppriphon - Game Over

I agree but its early days yet to get a proper read on him

Achtung meine deutschen MitbĆ¼rger, ich bin der VerrƤter, tƶte mich nicht. Ich bin zuversichtlich, dass ich dies im Hauptchat posten kann, da nur Sie, meine BrĆ¼der, Deutsch lesen kƶnnen. Zusammen werden wir diese mickrigen Briten vernichten.


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Hi fritz are you trying to get lynched laughs

totes british btw heil the queen

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@MaximusPrime after careful consideration I have voted you after your poor entrance.

How do you plead?

Leaning towards math town, havent really liked anyone else, esp launch and end.

Dont like max.

Sulit seems pretty safe so far actually.

is this supposed to be a compliment or :eyes:

Kaiā€™s string of posts here offs me.
Their ISO doesnā€™t have much more either

Kaiā€™s parking on EotW with nothing else to add.
I donā€™t think itā€™s a bus if heā€™s scum due to how terrible that is plus he canā€™t use it for mechanical reasons.
Itā€™s terrible if EotW is non-scum though.

Heā€™s been interacting with host more than the game itself after his vote on EotW.
Heā€™s content with this lynch.

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Lunchpad town

/vote Kai_5

Accused Voters Votes
EndoftheWorld Mathblade, Kai_5, Launchpad, Shurian 4/7
Kai_5 EndoftheWorld 1/7

Ping me for future votes Plz

A replacement is needed. Do not discuss replacements.


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Vot ekai he is german fritz

Mittlerweile in Deutschland.



"Warum sind unsere schrecklichen Spione noch nicht tot? Ich dachte, dass sie totale Dummkopfe waren."

"Vielleicht sind die EnglƤnder einfach wirklich unaufmerksam."


"Warum sonst wĆ¼rden sie sich als Kompliment alte Hunde nennen?"

"Scheisse. Du hast recht."

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Ich heisse scheisse

Please provide translations. I do not speak German.

Just remove en from the end of most words, move some words around, and then do a bit of guessing and youā€™re going to get the gist of it.

@MathBlade @Ami @Shurian @Launchpad

Guys onvote I am british look I am drinking tea haha

Iā€™ve got a crazy crackpot theory based on space logic

Thread has been stagnant without new directions coming in
From SoD we went from My RVS -> EndoftheWorld discussion, with most discussion going back to those two main areas.

Since scum are less inclined to bus in this format, I have to wonder why thread hasnā€™t gone in a new direction at all.
The transition from discussion around my RVS to EotW was fairly natural as their posts stuck out hard.


I think it was handled by town due to being natural

This makes me think town!math harder as he was the main proponent of the discussion of my RVS, yet kinda caused the transition to happen.

I believe that this lack of new directions is as a result of scum either being in slankers or scum being complacent due to not being in immediate suspicion-sphere.
Scum arenā€™t really leading town as Iā€™m pretty sure Math is town here due to moving thread focus in a natural way.

The wagon on EotW isnā€™t completely pure (I do think Shuri is at least > rand town) because of Kai, so I donā€™t think scum are under the thumb of town super hard.

If EotW is town, Iā€™m leaning on my second proposed option being correct, but there isnā€™t much to suggest one over the other beyond the rule that all successful mislynch wagons have at least one scum on them (I would point to Kai being the scum most likely).
If EotW is scum, Iā€™m fairly sure scum are in the slankers due to bussing being horrible in this format.
If EotW is traitor (we canā€™t confirm this mechanically), Iā€™m pretty sure the town conclusion fits.

/replace in if still possible