[SFM] Airship Zeppriphon - Game Over

Well what happened?

Too lazy to read the 413 posts.

Try to reread

Not sure why I wasnā€™t the nk if correct here
Possibly my call for protectives dissuaded that shot

/vote Kai

Explain to me Shuri clear like I am 5


Who was your N1?

Do I really have to?

Thatā€™s some Uri Geller shit right there.

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When you assume you make an ass out of u and me

In other words, there is no guarantee that EOTW and Hippo are ā€œgreenā€.


I was typing a thing up but then I realised a thing.

@MathBlade Can you help me figure out a theory I have?

They brought a new direction / idea to thread when thread was completely stagnant (albeit the logic isnā€™t rock solid).
I am operating on this conclusion under my read that scum were completely content with the lynch on EotW which caused thread to stagnate.

Short version
Shuri did shit with thread direction
Scum werenā€™t doing it

Iā€™m Coroner.
I know if they are green or not


My logic doesnā€™t make as much sense looking at it again, but this is why I was pretty sure of it

Were they green then sherlock?

Ah they both were. Fuck

Okay throwing this theory out there

Launchpad is a British Traitor/Deserter, which is why he is certain on EOTW and Hippo being green

/vote Launchpad

My feedback was that they were British

Does deserter/traitor even know who is green?

Yes and you put them both as specifically British Soldiers, despite EOTWā€™s scummy ass marking them as potentially a Deserter or a Traitor.

My point is that to the Coroner, people flip either British or German.

Within British however, they could be a Soldier, or either a Traitor or Deserter.

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Read my VCA post on EotW again