[SFM] Candlelight [The Beasts Achieve Victory]

Who exactly is he bussing right now? Kyle? Arete?

hes saying Arete is bussing Jake

He did maths.

So lets assume 4 since we gotta go with the higher number. We have great chances of hitting a beast with this lynch.

Ahhhh, okay

My brain got mixed up

Maybe because I didnā€™t want to reveal more of my role than I needed to? Oh but Iā€™m always scum here. Right.

Thatā€™s incorrect but if you think itā€™s correct you shouldnā€™t have an issue voting Jake with me

Well, Iā€™m not neutral.

The flavor of his class shouldnā€™t be scum AI. It can only be neutral.

Now if heā€™s lying about it all, thatā€™s another story.

I am lul

No my votes not parked on ya. Design wise ur class doesnt make sense to me as if ur blatantly de-empowering a guy you know is a town at the cost of a person youdont know their flavor and is in POE Squids a fine kill in ur eyes, but the fact u dont want them killed is the weird thing. I guess u have a read of somekind on squid. Could u elaborate more on it

As any alignment, I play terribly.

I should really stop playing mafia If Iā€™m just going to become a policy lynch like this.

I dont need ur ATE, i want to know ur opinions on squids slot

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I think that they are scum. And I would want them dead if it wasnā€™t for the fact that I would become stumped were tgey to die in any fashion.

So one u lose ur Invest ability apon squid dying, but also empower Diggity?

Bruh, weā€™re not talking about a policy lynch here -_-
Itā€™s just that your claim is all over the place

I really hate my role.

I really wish that I was a Vanilla Town.

At the very least I wouldnā€™t die because of my claim.

I get atumped when Squid dies, but I alsolose the restriction when Diggity dies. Diggity is guarenteed to be town. If I had to guess, thatā€™s to stop me from going ā€œOk, I need Diggity dead so that my role can work properlyā€

Stumped as in tree stumped?

Aka you can talk after dying once squid is dead?

Can someone iso jake and see if he softed or had any TMI of a n0 on dignity would warrany

Wait, fuck.

I meant Vanillaized, not stumped.

i knew that i was just testing your knowledge yeah