[SFM] Candlelight [The Beasts Achieve Victory]

/vote Marshal

Interesting wagon here.



/vote Marshal

Iā€™ll bite. Iā€™m checking PKR, but Iā€™m probably dying to Possessed tonight. Poor choice.

Marshal with ur wincon when would u leave?


Cause itā€™s a town one.

I guess lolreactiontests

I was gonna keep it until night for a reason but I guess with a jake lynch I donā€™t have to

I mean, letā€™s be honest, Marshal has nothing to offer for us.

Plus candle burning at twice the rate in some cases.
Plus being able to strongman scum kill.


If there is no real good target, Marshal is really best lynch.

@Marshal WWTCN?

@Marshal please quote where you intended this to be a Reaction test.

I mean I want to punt you now, even if i expected it. ahhhhhh

I didnā€™t

Thatā€™s for nerds

acronym helper?

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Why would town claim neutral?


Why did you do this?

Somewhat to see how thread would react and keep reacting.

Also to avoid kills on me

Screw backing out.

If you did it not for test, you did it for no reason and are backing it out now.

Give me reason to believe it was town motivated.

This is truly interesting. You know that youā€™re expected to give where you intended it, but youā€™re doing what Jake did in FoL 24, where he claimed it was a reaction test after the fact. But did anyone believe it after he failed to provide evidence? No.

I was gonna reveal it earlier but kept it because I wanted jake to check me tonight. If he confirmed me then he would be mafia

If there is anything I learnt on other sites itā€™s to ā€œwhen in doubt, lynch neutralā€.

I donā€™t see enough solving from you to survive neutral claim rn.
I donā€™t see a single effect of your reaction test rn.

Give me something to believe, or else you are lynched for claiming neutral and backing out right away when wagon was on you.

Read my iso

I played it as town besides the occasional comment that I was neut or acting like a beut

No, you are meant to defend self, not me building a defense for you.