[SFM] Candlelight [The Beasts Achieve Victory]

Whats the problem with SDA?

I donā€™t get much from re-reading

Heā€™s the opposite of what a good player is. He just says stuff and expects us to believe him.

I actually had softs to back me up.

Plus reasoning wasnā€™t ā€œreaction testā€, but to avoid Zone.
Zone just wanted me dead for raisins.

If you want it to be reaction test, you need to both explain it afterwards, provide softs and tell what you learnt.

Marshal didnā€™t do any of that.

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Ok and are u a good player, as I have @ed u before asking for reads and havent gotten them other than Marshal bad Jake good. I wanted more than that

And marshal usually does that.

Which means that something fishy is up with Marshal.

He did soft his actual class though

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except he usually does it as town and scum so

Also, it does explain all this birds and scared/brave apparently, so I see it a benefit from my PoV anyway.

Just link me and ill explain it to you lmao

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Stop using mechanics that we donā€™t even know about to justify your reads.

Do u just tend to ignore my things I ask you on purpose?

ā€œoh look im derps and im too good of a player to realise that marshie didnt give evidence but he dunt need nune LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLā€

imagine thinking a town ever says this lol

Cease AtE

Ur evidence is on why Jake is town is like the exact same as why Marshal is town to Derps

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Well, what is my evidence for Jake being town?

What is Derps evidence for Marshal being town?

/vote Arete
Good bye

So ur saying Jakes role is the reason hes town

Easy he softed his VT role, thus Marshals role is the reason hes town

@DatBird you understand the birds talk from centuries right