[SFM] Candlelight [The Beasts Achieve Victory]

How many votes does Arete have on them?

Like 3

Well I guess we /vote Arete then

Heā€™s claiming flavor cop not cop cop


Iā€™m sure more than three have voted them by now

majority is 7 right now if i can do maths right

Iā€™ll attempt to put a VC out tonight. sorta an emotional mess due to events irl


Also majority went from 9 to 7. fuk

If Iā€™m going to get mislynched can you at least let me solve the fucking game first rather than quickhammering

Its been like 36 hours hurry it up. We cant wait like 48 for a lynch

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Well VCā€™s arenā€™t happening anytime soon so go for it

I mean we do have more time since 3 people died so.

Essentially a day and a half just happened.

but like that doesnt give us extra time for 200. It simply means our mislynches are less now

It also means we just got an extra 24 hours.

How so? Kai didnā€™t announce that we gained more time from the modkills

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I donā€™t buy Marshalā€™s town claim but I donā€™t think heā€™s scum fakeclaiming neut

In particular I was thinking about it during class and his pushes have all been on people who tend to be cautious around quickhammer-y things which makes perfect sense from the neut heā€™s claiming

The backtrack into a town claim feels more-or-less like him trying to dodge being lynched for being a neut

Well, according to someoneā€™s estimation, we have about 8 days total. But since 2-3 people died (an estimated 1 cycleā€™s deaths), we are in ā€œDay 2ā€

No no, Jakeā€™s right.

We got the extra 24 hours we got back that we wouldā€™ve wasted mislynching those guys.