[SFM] Candlelight [The Beasts Achieve Victory]

I don’t

I’m trying to sort you right now

I remember that, nevermind then

/vote Possessed

I’m literally conf town
Just read who tf got modkilled and then look back at that part of the thread

Oh, wait, I just realized.

My whole theory about ying yang and 4 seasons was incorrect.


Not like I lbelieved it’s correct anyway.

I don’t want to go back to this conversation about birds and shit, but it does beg the question of why you weren’t a modkill

Do I need to ping Kai to get you modkilled or are you going to stop using the angled shot to say you’re town?


Ping Kai for it. :^)

Fuck off

I’m stressed as shit from suddenly having the weight of the game being on my shoulders

Don’t answer this.

Just stop talking about it

See I didn’t want to say that because that’s kind of also angley

Anyway, back to the game.

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I mean, Jake gave you a solution.

If you are modkilled, it won’t be on your shoulders anymore :^)

I asked you once



/vote Eevee

Please just not to stress about a forum game.

And if this is some AtE. I don’t care about AtE so you can stop that too

Short PSA on AtE:

Not every post that looks like venting is AtE, stop thinking it is. Some people need to genuinely vent, and the only place they can do that is in the thread, because doing it outside the thread would be considered against the rules. Thank you for your time.

Let’s see…

People I trust:
DatBird (less so tho)

I would not lynch Jake yet.

Now as of rest… hmmm.

Well I didn’t say it was AtE, now did I. I don’t think a game is a place to vent about life either