[SFM] Candlelight [The Beasts Achieve Victory]

The more important thing from my point of view is that you weren’t voting the flipped wolf

Add Squid to this list because apparently I can’t count

I apologize that I wasn’t around for EoD or that my reads weren’t correct. As of right now I should be studying for 2 tests I have tomorrow

Honestly I don’t like our chances. Marshal is probably screaming bloody murder with all this

Which would make the ‘not voting the wolf’ PoE {Geyde, PKR, Hippo, Uni, Squid}

Can you explain this post

We’ve had 1 flipped scum and they were the thirdposter

As of right now I don’t have confidence in my feeling that there are probably 2 wolves in that list. That is effectively half the current game

A lot of it was on the basis that I wanted a bit more emphasis on players with low post since we may find some certain trends and even get to pressure potential scum to post more and in turn increasing chances of a slip. But it seems that a lot of them were just town and I was wrong on it

But my overall strategy was just to exert pressure on lowposters whilst trying to TC people so we can begin narrowing our search

But I don’t think we have enough players anymore to do it. If Jake was a lone wolf I believe we can assume that there are maybe 3 beasts left. Meaning we have to be so perfect in our play that we’ll put every athletic superstar to shame

There are three beasts left

The number of beasts at rand and 2+2 are equal and one beast has flipped (and the game isn’t bastard)

If that were the case, then one beast had an ability to kill 2 players at once. Unless that was due to some other game mechanic

My guess for the night kills is that Poss hit a townie and suicided, and that the other two were either 1 scum kill/1 town kill or 2 scum kills

Then that would indicate that either one scum is support like Jake, or one scum was inactive during the game

So which person do you think Poss attacked and why? Were there any signs he was giving off?

It could technically be eevee, with eevee having some way to survive a hit? but then we have 3-4 unexplained deaths (I’m not sure if Possessed would suicide in an eevee town world if the attack didn’t actually kill eevee)

otherwise … Possessed isn’t stupid so he would be unlikely to kill Marshal

but that still leaves Wazza and Dat

4 KPN from scum in a 16er would be kind of absurd, so I think that’s a basically fair assumption

This is getting spicy right here :eyes:
I don’t think Eevee claimed to have some sort of protection, but if he does and he survived Poss’ shot, then oh boy


I’m trying to figure out if the wording of this implies he’d suicide if he shot a townie and they didn’t die

I mean in worlds where eevee is scum and Possessed shot him then that gives us four kills to explain, which is … kind of a lot

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