[SFM] Candlelight [The Beasts Achieve Victory]

Last day rather, D1 that is

Itā€™s not ideal weā€™re in this position, however, I am quite happy about this outcome tbh due to still being partially mechanically confirmed by the OP.
Possessed likely shot Marshal, as literally nobody could blame that shot.

I have quite a few choice words for Marshal which are not positive in nature especially since he lied this entire time, now, that pisses me off.
But alas we are here now and have to continue on.

D2 MyLo? :eyes:

Thank you @SirDerpsAlot, @Centuries, @WhoeverWasThird, very cool.

Possessed shot Wazza last night.

With reasoning being that he thought Wazza was signaling Jake with mentioning earth when talking about Jake and trying to get lynch of Jake.

Also my issue with Arete is that Wazzas abikity basicly learns the same as they did last night.

Paraphrasing Possessed stuff - they said that from theirs PoV Arete is just picking apart Possā€™s arguments and rest is just sheeping it.
That Arete picked Possā€™s town wibe, but decided to ignore it.

From other people they suspected Squid and maybe Universal for being ā€œuselessā€.

Other then that we tried to pick off some possible lost wolf signaling. Wagons analysis was less useful due to lost wolf.

Itā€™s kinda interesting that for example from 7 mentions of elements (earth, fire ect) 6 were from or about Jake.

There was a lot of other potential signals going around Jake too.

All in all, depends if scum was smart enough to notice it, but Jake was signaling hard.

Arete at this point I wantyour fullclaim, cause yours and Possā€™s mechanic information just cover up and it doesnt seem logical to put 2 of mechanics oracles into 16er.

Anyway, if you want someone to blame for 2 town deaths, Iā€™m half to blame.

Altho my first advice was not to shoot anyone night 2ā€¦ especially after wbeast lynch AND with useful other ability, Poss was paranoid that you would lynch them if they donā€™t cs.

Wazza was choice of us both together and a bad one tho.
So hey, Iā€™m half to blame.

First thing to happen should be evaluating if my link caused bad night result.

Well yes and no.
If anything, our discussion did change the target, but not fact that they were shooting.
Target from Arete to Wazza.

Tho I want a follow up on Arete rn with theirs claim covering up with Possā€™s.

All in all, Iā€™m open to all discussion.

Iā€™m aware I linked a vig and that vig fired at town due to this link.

I also know itā€™s MyLo so I need to come clean from it.
So yeahā€¦ thats it.

Also since we are at MyLo with dead claimvigā€¦

I want cop to claim first with theirs result.
If result is green, we follow up with massclaim.

We need all the information due to d2 MyLo.

Tho tbh green-checked person doesnt really have to claim.
If there is red peek, even better.

Obviously donā€™t vote it right away anyway.
2 wrong votes means gg most likely.

Well, this is boring.

Sorry Iā€™m an american boy and you decide to wake up in EU time

Sorry Iā€™m an EU boy who decided to wake up in EU time.

This is a bit presumptiveā€¦
Assuming thereā€™s a cop and all.
But I feel like itā€™s likely there is a cop so itā€™s fair.

Just a heads-up that Iā€™m going to be either at the airport or on a plane for part of today

expect inconsistent response times

Why are you taking his LW claim at face value? Claiming LW there as actual LW makes zero sense

Happy to give it although I basically fullclaimed yesterday

Like Marshal pointed out yesterday there are non-mechanics-oracle ways to use it, itā€™s possible that Kaiā€™s intention when designing it was that I could use it to verify claims/whatever from other people

anyways I think I basically agree with your cop plan, should I fullclaim first or would it be better to wait and see if a cop happened to peek me?

also Iā€™m spewed clear by Jakeā€™s handling of my slot but thatā€™s beside the point