[SFM] Candlelight [The Beasts Achieve Victory]

Can I just say that Midway Airport is really not set up for the assumption that you might be walking from the nearby bus stop

you know

hypothetically speaking


Why would he claim lost wolf if he was?

Can you explain this comment? I donā€™t get how the lynch being majority makes bus votes more likely, if anything given the set-up it would make them less so

I mean, why wouldnā€™t he?

His abilities out that he is lost wolf anyway.

With majority, not everyone can vote for the same guy, so that leaves a few people out, scum or not. Making a PoE based on alone could cause a chain of mislynches

Itā€™s a motivation thing

In worlds where heā€™s actually a lost wolf, claiming LW makes it less likely that weā€™ll draw potentially-incorrect associations from his flip (which is harmful to scum)

In worlds where heā€™s not a lost wolf, claiming LW could make it (or, be intended to make it) so that we ignore all of the associations from his flip (which he left kind of a lot of)

The motivation for one of those makes a lot more sense than the motivation for the other

Also, like, I still donā€™t buy that Jake is creative enough to come up with a flavor cop claim as claimvig


Can I remind you that weā€™re talking about the person who claimed Knight as Sorc

So whatā€™s the motivation behind existance of ability to talk to theirs partnets, which they already have chat with?

They could be main wolf and another player is LW given lack of LW passive, but thatā€™s ehhhh

Generally itā€™s standard to always make lost wolf roles really obvious that they are lost wolves

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ā€¦what if scum know who their partners are, but arenā€™t in a chat with them?

would explain why he would claim lost wolf (trying to get us to disregard associations) while also making sense with his abilities

Also every time Iā€™ve tried to solve based on mechanics Iā€™ve ended up getting burned by it

Yeah, thatā€™s why he was not creative enough to understand that claiming LW is harmful.


Can I remind you that weā€™re talking about person who claimed Knight as Sorc?

ā€˜Astand is confirmed neutā€™

I mean maybe assuming that Jake has literally any competence whatsoever is a mistake


If they know who their partners are, then if he was still alive, Jake would be able to frame one of his buddies and set up a chat with them. Stillā€¦ Why on earth would anyone frame their scumbuddy instead of framing a townie?

Can we all just agree squid is a wolf

Oh for fucks sake, Iā€™m just explaining a theory!

I canā€™t be the only one seeing this

The last ten of their posts have been trying to sell jake LW so discard associatives of people who are off wagon

I was going to say it regardless of if you started talking about your theory

Plus he came up with flavor cop when he was calm and claimed LW when he was heavily tilted at EoD.