[SFM] Candlelight [The Beasts Achieve Victory]

Well can you heal me tonight


Thats not full answer.

Hippo didnā€™t give a full answer either! He only answered the first two or three questions!

Besides, I guarded Uni N1 because of Kyle softing his greencheck. There wasnā€™t really anyone else confirmed and guarding a poisoned person is flat out useless

And no, claiming D1 does not count as being confirmed unless thereā€™s stuff to back you up -_-
Iā€™m looking at you, Arete

I answered 3/4 thatā€™s like a B+ surely

If Iā€™m being judged for not giving a full answer, everyone else should be judged the same way >:(

Talking about my guard target wasnā€™t even that important because Iā€™m sure it didnā€™t work from how many people died

I just canā€™t believe hippo didnā€™t see I was poisoned

Yeah, that really baffles me too, especially with him claiming he used his poison heal ability on Arete. I can see them being scumbuddies at this point

Im judging you cause who in the rigt mind would guard Umiversal when people lie Dat or Geyde were cough confirmed.

Wait a second.

Where did you see this? Kyle didnā€™t really soft who specifically it was until D2 that I saw.

Bro ur scum

I havenā€™t read any thread but squid saying Iā€™m buddies with the guy who I said I randomly healed is illogical conclusion for a villager lol

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Hippo, if you read a slice of the thread, youā€™d know Iā€™ve been suspicious of Arete for a while



Your turn with the questions.

Hell, you could have confirmed yourself and healed Kyle, but nooooo you just poison healed someone that wasnā€™t even poisoned! If Arete was attacked last night, your heal wouldnā€™t even have worked cause itā€™s only based on poisoning!

I have a passive thatā€™s very minus-EV to out but sorta maybe gives useful set-up information, should I claim the passive as well?

Is it -EV to claim it or its existance is -EV?


Eevee I am dead soon XP