[SFM] Candlelight [The Beasts Achieve Victory]

Kyle claimed to have NOTHING on Universal.

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Wha- Then why did he soft it then?!

So do I claim the minus-EV-to-claim passive or not

Probably not, cause I already broke the game.

But am not syre how to proceed rn.

Eevee, how highā€™s the chance that youā€™ll be modkilled for trying to break the game?


Im not angleshooting, just trying to solve mechanics.

The dofference here is that Im not clearing people voa stuff which should be unavilable to me, aka others rolecards, but theirs claims and own experience, which they can lie with and I got them via talking here.

Aka Im solving the game in a way where itā€™s actually solving, not clearing people for words on theirs rolecards.

its deffo squid i feel it

deep inside me a voice whispers to me that its squid

Ehh, @PoisonedSquid will you still be here in a few minutes?

Itā€™s kinda windy outside rn, I brb need, to take laundry inside.

Ehhhhh, maybe? Motivationā€™s really low because of outside issues, but Iā€™ll still be by the computer, I guess

Can you quote when I softed a greencheck on uni?

Because to my knowledge that didnā€™t happen.

In fact uni is my highest PoE now

Itā€™s really hard to quote with the way this threadā€™s organized, but you took Universal out of the PoE at one point without an explanation

I donā€™t think I ever added Uni, but there are other people I donā€™t have in my PoE so that wouldā€™ve been a really bad soft lol

I canā€™t believe Iā€™ve hidden my mason this well

i reckon its kyle

I think we should consider voting soonish, my votes on Uni, but itā€™s mainly because I donā€™t have a better target and Iā€™m hoping hippo isnā€™t lying about being a doctor

Uni seems like a really bad person to target as well for poison, so the fact that theyā€™re claiming it makes me think they could be poisoner

Kyle, didnā€™t you say that person was a greencheck and not a mason?