[SFM] Candlelight [The Beasts Achieve Victory]


complete fucking sentence

Calm down dude. If you are so sure I am scum I donā€™t see why you are getting worked up. If anything you should be rejoicing

/vote Squid


Eevee why didnā€™t you tell me itā€™s an offense to vote for myself?

/vote PoisonedSquid

@Universal come bus your scumbuddy for towncred :upside_down_face:

I still donā€™t see why you are acting a bit toxic

I understand this game can get frustrating. I voted myself before out of frustration from what Kai was stating on me. But no need to try and throw shade

Just take a bit to relax Arete. I apologize if I instigated anything

@eevee-sama who do you have a chat for today?

Iā€™m not

Just donā€™t try and throw shade. I understand you may be very confident in your belief I am scum, but no need to try and bring it in a taunting manner

Again I apologize for making you feel that way. I realize a large part of this is my fault

you donā€™t get to declare that youā€™re gamethrowing and then get upset when someone says youā€™re either evil or gamethrowing

I am not upset about you calling me evil or game throwing. To be honest I am more upset about how my actions have made you upset or frustrated. I feel really guilty, I was even debating about just inviting myself and letting whatever happens to happen since I didnā€™t want any bad relations between us, hence why I was asking for your reaction.

Like I said, I apologize for my actions.

*unvoting not inviting. Auto correct got me


If you need someone to link and donā€™t have any better ideas, you can always link me and I can pass along what the minus-EV-to-have-or-claim passive is

also Iā€™m actually posting therefore Iā€™m a strictly better choice for link than most players here :upside_down_face:

I am sorry Arete.

Are you fucking kidding me? Why are you trying to make the day last longer by trying to change the lynch?! Iā€™ve actually been trying instead of gamethrowing!

They just think I am lockscum so they went with the other option, you. Which I would also agree with. Arete was cleared with just how his reaction was with my vote.

If they think youā€™re lockscum, then isnā€™t it better to vote for you instead of someone that isnā€™t lockscum?