[SFM] Candlelight [The Beasts Achieve Victory]

do you still think Squid is mafia?

Yes, I do. But I still wanna see other players. Geyde honestly rubs me the wrong way, his slot. Another is now Eevee. Geyde read you as scum, Eevee was left out. I donā€™t know it just seemsā€¦ off. If you know what I mean


Iā€™ll have a couple hours tonight that u should be sleeping during but what is sleep Iā€™ll ISO the alivent people and look at Jake.

Nvm Geyde also scumread Eevee

Didā€¦ Squid say I have TMI from Arete saying something?
Likeā€¦ you should of checked yourself, instead of basing on posts of other people if you are scumhunting.
The point isā€¦ Squid is not interested in hunting, rather in turning people on each other.


Iā€™m alive again, do you really think squid is a better choice for a lynch atm?

/vote Universal

I donā€™t think we can feasibly wait any longer for anything to happen

No! Iā€™m saying Arete is TMIing on knowing if Uniā€™s poison is real or not! Stop twisting my words and shading me! I could try to solve right now, but Iā€™ve literally zero space to do that!

Fuck it, I guess Iā€™m stuck having to vote for Uni since the rest of you are too stubborn to actually look closely at more than two god dang players even though thereā€™s three scum
/Vote Universal

I donā€™t know why, but I can feel Squidā€™s frustration here.
I donā€™t think itā€™s fake, but I could be wrong.

So if I trust that, then Squid may be innocent.
/Vote Universal

Next most likely scum was Uniā€¦

I am not scum. Final defense

And to make it better for Arete and me not game throwing


/vote Squid


Jesus Christ, with every unvote going on, the day goes on even longer and the more fucked we get. Let me tell you something right nowā€¦

You need me alive. If I die, thereā€™s gonna be some bad times to be had



Arete-Squid [L-4]
Squid-Eevee, Arete [L-3]
Uni-PKR [L-4]

My voteā€™s on Uni right now

Aight guys we need to get this moving