[SFM] Candlelight [The Beasts Achieve Victory]

Legit I read that too wtf

Whats was odd with the flow of my posts, as I genuinly dont see it, and want to see it from ur perspective

Exactly what youā€™re doing. Youā€™re asking a lot of questions, which is typically filler behavior.

What is even going on anymore? Marshal, what the hell did you do?

I hate this shit, i honestly do, cause imo thats my normal behavior i just ask questions a shit ton. Whatever self meta Dat whatever

Nothing much, Marshal did nothing

Youā€™re either doing one of two things:

  • Feigning activity and productivity.

  • Solving slots by reading into responses to your numerous questions.

Since I donā€™t know which from the two you are, youā€™re my ā€˜wildcardā€™.

Well I had dnd from 2:30- about 8:30 today

pretty much

You do, it just feels like youā€™re doing it differently. I think Geyde picked up on that.

:man_shrugging: yall see a difference i guess, just feels like normal game to me.

Ill resume this in the morning though, I gotta wake up in 6 hours.

You guys sure are having fun claiming and stuff

Okay Iā€™m caught up. I think itā€™s good to share what I know currently as sharing is caring.

I would consider my class to be fairly strong but I can die and it wouldnā€™t affect the game. I do have knowledge granted to me from my class that tells me a few things but I wonā€™t reveal them right now as itā€™s not relevant to the current events in this thread, this info will still get out if I die so Iā€™m not worried about sharing it right now

Currently Iā€™m voting for diggity as I agree with the scumlean on them and I think we shouldnā€™t be afraid of voting quickly with this setup

/vote diggity

This game is on pause. Effective immediately.

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The timer will stop.

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Do not post

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(I can backup.)

The game is not paused for any mechanical reason, now kindly fuck off and let me spend time with my grandma in peace



Game resumes tomorrow.


Game is resumed, you have 189 hours left