[SFM] Candlelight [The Beasts Achieve Victory]


Iā€™m less worried about fighting back and more concerned on HOW. It just seems like sheā€™s attacking my read credibility.

It feels more like Arete is doing more defending than anything.
And when they arenā€™t defending, they attack.

Thereā€™s no defense to her arguments. Its all read credibility attacks.

I really hate to be that person but Iā€™m not a girl
I get that pronouns are complicated but youā€™ve managed to choose basically the worst possible set of pronouns-typically-used-for-humans

Thatā€™s kind of how someone under pressure probably plays when I tell them ā€˜you have 12 hours to find a scumā€™

shut up, xe

Actual apologies. I get mistaken tooā€¦I just heard others refer to you as ā€œsheā€ or ā€œherā€.

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Also Iā€™m surprised nobody points out the blatant flaw in my logic here
Are yā€™all really listening to what Iā€™m saying

Iā€™ve been shelved

shut up, ze

i was more focusing on ā€œbackstreet fisticuffsā€ and failed to read the rest of the post oops

I say that Possessed would be voting me if he actually believed his read

Possessed votes me and justifies it by saying that Iā€™m not answering a question that he asked like ten minutes earlier

I suggest the possibility that Possessed is just voting me because I pointed out that him not voting me indicated him not actually believing in his read

Possessed says that actually his reasons for voting me were totally from before the lock even though the reasoning he gave in the post where he votes me comes from after the lock

This comes from wolf because heā€™s blatantly lying about easily verifiable information to try to make himself look like he has better reasoning than he actually does

This is the most interesting sequence from Uni, but they donā€™t actually go off of it

No follow rules
No service

I was writing a response to Possessed

your logic is wrong because itā€™s ā€¦ not true

Iā€™m not fighting Marshal

I wasnā€™t fighting you

Iā€™m fighting Possessed because his push is the one that actually seems scum-motivated

I donā€™t understand why town canā€™t do that
I think thereā€™s either bias or youā€™re trying too hard

Puts Geydeā€™s shelf onto a shelf

Why would a townie blatantly lie about their reasons for voting someone after being called out for voting someone for bad reasons

Thatā€™s not something that makes sense from a position of town motivation