[SFM] Candlelight [The Beasts Achieve Victory]

Here is the end all be all reasoning that cannot be misconstrued:

  • Possessed SRs Arete and Diggity before pause. Re-evaluates both, realizes he could be wrong on Diggity but SRs Arete on the post about Diggity.

  • Game restarts, Possessed unvotes and wants answers from Arete. Possessed still believes Arete to be scum.

  • To make sure the question is answered, Possessed votes Arete. Possessed gets answer but is not swayed to unvote by the answer.

So now were here.

Are there actually answers that would have persuaded you to unvote or are you just saying that to look more credible :thinking:


dat town case:

datbirdā€™s whole ā€œpkr is the same class as meā€ thing came quick. unless straight wolf theater, i see almost no reason why scum would say this about a townie. I can see town saying this to whoever and scum saying this to a buddy.

basically if pkr is v then dat is almost lock v.

datbird has also been meta town.

he wasnā€™t really as townie earlier but it seems heā€™s been finding his groove and im liking what i see.

Citation needed

Absolutely there are. This isnā€™t even me tunneling you, I would love a reason to believe your town if you actually are.


What answer would have led you to unvote


citation here

A townie Arete answer.

This answer does not instill me with confidence that you arenā€™t just BSing here

iā€™ll flesh out one more read here.

and then i donā€™t feel like mentally solving the game rn. especially when itā€™s not that necessary(but ideal) for my slot.

i just want to relax

honestly im gutreading squid as v because sheā€™s posted about no agenda posts.

and i usually can vibe-read her and am vibe-reading her town

You want me to doctorate a response that id be looking for?

Just not convinced.

Arete dat Diggity

also another read is that diggity choosing derps arbitrarily is NAI and thatā€™s a fact

prolly contains an avg of 1.2 scum

I agree. I thought it was a legitimate scumread and it was apparently just an example. I guess Jake is the only person here who can read :frowning:

Fuck, I can read?

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Yes, contrary to what your 1st grade teacher might tell you


I took a look at Uni and he feels pretty pure to me, and I was able to read him correctly in JoJo (where he was scum) so I donā€™t think Iā€™m getting fooled by whatever it is that makes people read him as pure every game regardless of alignment

In particular this feels like an actual derptell and not a fake attempt at a derpclear, presumably if he were Mafia heā€™d be able to ask in scumchat about this

also this general sort of post usually comes from town, itā€™s slightly angleshooty in a way wolves are reluctant to do

but mostly his tone just feels super pure and townie, my evidence for this is literally his entire Iso

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why did you decide to ping geyde there