[SFM] Candlelight [The Beasts Achieve Victory]

No lmao

He claimed to have info pointing to someone else being town, and also to be Mason-ish

Yeah, exactly

Third option is Brave but not Godspeed? Maybe you get it this way?

ā€¦maybe he was talking about eeveeā€¦

No, Iā€™m more like neighborizer.

I can chat with someone both at night and day.
Different people tho.

I have an idea? But Iā€™m not brave so

Hereā€™s a question: do you think Kyle fully understands the difference?

Anyways either way if he might be conftown I would suggest not killing him quite yet

Plus being able to occupy linked target.

Scrap all the killing prevention / lynch prevention. That was bullshit.

Letā€™s say youā€™re either Brave of Scared
Thereā€™s probably people who possess the Godspeed and some who donā€™t
Crows are people who are Scared and possess the Godspeed
Owls are Brave and have the Godspeed
Letā€™s go Albatros the people who do not possess the Godspeed

This is funny but probably meaningless what Iā€™m hoping for is more scared people tbh.

Considering he was just linked and didnā€™t answer yetā€¦ he couldnā€™t possibly think my link is mason chat BEFORE it happened.

Iā€™m not in your chat, I donā€™t know the exact chronology

I mean, I honestly joined the game like 2 hours ago.

I didnā€™t read anything before.
And obviously I didnā€™t link anyone before that.

My theory was that Eevee Arete and Jake couldā€™ve been all 3 of them Albatros(es?) and you were an Owl but thatā€™d be easy.

ā€“ to gamesolve and probably boring

Name me an albatros one more time and you are banned.

Are you going to try to read back at some point?

I believe you are a Brave Owl but who knows

I think an Albatros was here up until recently though.