[SFM] Candlelight [The Beasts Achieve Victory]

What are the odds for the whole flock of Albatros to be here at once?




Here is technical analysis for 3d chess if you ever want to build one.

With all the weight/density analysis.
I decided for Al anodied rods as frame for the construction and glass board, so it had to be able to support it.

Also if you make this 1cm rod handlings, attached to glass, but not to rods, you can try to make it more… mobile and possible to deconstruct for transportation.

Probably not.

This is neat and all but can we talk about the actual game

I’m answering Derps.

Derps was asking me about 3D chess.

This post looks like a slight Owl/Crow post

People when it’s time to do the Maths for 3D Chess or whatever

(picture tons of people)

People when it’s time to react to my posts

(Picture no one and like the good old tumbleweed or whatever)

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Cause you are talking about birds.

And even talk about 3d chess is more interesting.

My birdposting is highly mafia related

guide to mafia birdposting

I’m aware, but also more annoying to read due to using metaphores instead of simple language.

It’s useful because it proves you’re not scared

Hey eevee I’m town

Are you scared or godspeed

If I was ever scared, I would not be who I am anyway.

Hey town, I’m city.

Let’s not tell eevee

Marshal are you scared and or Godspeed?

I don’t know what you are on about

Look at ur class card and then tell me if you’re either of them