[SFM] Candlelight [The Beasts Achieve Victory]



Sure, you will tell me tonight.

You’re a claimed neut, I get to give you some :eyes:

Owls can be worthless
Crows can be powerful

We’ve only seen Crow claims so far actually IIRC Eevee’s exact role, it’s just a Brave Crow

Sure :man_shrugging:

I was messing with eevee by not telling him I was neut

Also some self pres because my kneecaps would be gone

Oh I know what you are SDA

Scared Owl?

I already fullclaimed to you nerd

Yeah so Scared Crow on the more mildly useful side right buddy

Oh yeah well I’m a cool beans iguana

So suck it

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Actually it’s fluctuates between Crow and Owl

I’m half tempted to CC Marshal as neutral.

Possessed is TMIing PKR town

Change my mind

Do it u won’t

Wats ur woncon

U have burden of proof

Change mine

Jail and execute all neutrals. :^)

I saw that ninja-edit :eyes:

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It feels as if some major angleshooting happened that paints me as scum.