[SFM] Candlelight [The Beasts Achieve Victory]

No, centries is locktown

The vibe Iā€™m getting from this is that it just is effectively mechanics talk that I canā€™t understand
Divulge what you were doing later on. You already probably werenā€™t going to be todayā€™s lynch.

So someone is locktown for talking about mechanics in a closed setup?


Are you scared, Geyde


No, I think W!Centuries would definitely reassure the town that the scum, which you would be a part of, have no idea what the town are saying, and thus you can gleam more information.

Or! Town!Me is certain about this and youā€™re reading too far into it!

Well neither one of us can prove it until you flip.

I can assure you heā€™s locktown

I know what youā€™re referring to but donā€™t want to give an answer


Can you word it discrete enough to give us an answer

I will just fullclaim, I can link person at day, I can link person at night.

I got 1-shot doublevote to use on person I day-linked
I got 1-shot occupation to use on person I night-linked.

Thatā€™s all.

Tell me what this is.

Night link me and weā€™ll talk

Quick Geyde help us out

I think I get what Geyde is getting at but not sure.


Iā€™m human social named radio operator.

Anything else you want to know?


Yes, I donā€™t see link shit as too powerful considering whatā€™s going on here anymore.

This is a bad idea but sure

Comma Godspeed Period

My man