[SFM] Candlelight [The Beasts Achieve Victory]

It’s jake arete and Universal lulz

Potential for a 4th


You are playing with an Anger AtE and not providing any useful help to the discussion of this current game

In Cop13er you spent the entire d1 arguing and voting for squid based off the use of their swedish while using an Anger AtE to get the spotlight off of you once you were pushed

Marshal, you are so wrong that we can’t even call it right anymore. We have to call it Left.


mildly disagree on Uni
They’re more null but I’d wait on flips to actually make any real conclusions

I said the thing before you nerd

If anything u r denied

And what did you do in cop13?

You and your scumbuds stuck together.

Not like there are any parallels here at all

Agree to disagree

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I would say in fact i’m playing very different. You on the other hand, are not

wait to try to shift the focus again

Now, if I’m the lynch, I can’t stop it. But I’m done arguing with an idiot who can’t even use Quote properly to give evidence for sonething.

Who are you seeing as potential Kyle scumbuds?

Geyde, definitely.

/vote Geyde

idiot huh, sorry I’m on a phone and can’t quote easily but you can use whatever anger words you feel

Roid harder

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Can we have less insults and ATE please

thank you

This isn’t targeting anyone, it’s a general request

Now, I’ve already lost enough sleep for one night. If I’m lynched before I wake up, pressure Kyle for actual fucking evidence of me being scum. Do not let up. That is how you let the scum get away.

Fuck you :^)

I was trying to provoke Jake a little to see if they actually made a townie fold but they are doubling down.
In all honesty I’m having doubts about the slot being scum