[SFM] Candlelight [The Beasts Achieve Victory]

Welcome to who is good and who is an evil virus of satan, starring Kyle and Jake.

Iā€™ll be your baby cub.

I donā€™t know about the animal stuff tbh as I donā€™t have anything mechanically that would indicate how real it is

Well i think its pretty obvious :eyes:

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Also this take strikes me.

Idk how jake got ā€œhippo has Marshal as mech bullshittingā€ from ā€œmarshals first post isnā€™t tru lolā€

What mechanics would allow him to find my wincon bs anyways

@Arete what are u doing?

Trying to solve the game

What are you doing :eyes:

Trying to figure out if i crack game open a little more or sleep

Iā€™m off tomorrow so I think Iā€™ll be up late tonight

I suppose it would be me.

Well, one mislynch of me isnā€™t going to hurt us in the long run. Even if we lose an investigative, Iā€™ll probably fuck it all up anyway.

Come on then, sinners and saints, come to murder me.

(I jest, of course.)

Not on this forum late though

Can you take a look at Possessed for me

Heā€™s been super wolfy but no one else is willing to actually push him :frowning:

Have you specified anything more than investigator?

Hes up there in my poe, I havent made a full read on him but gut says evil in some way, but iirc EA the only way u read Possessed has been fine

I kinda donā€™t know how to read Poss since every time I swing I generally miss

I would help you, Arete, but it would be in vain.

Maybe Iā€™ll go do something productive, like evaluate Kyleā€™s ISO.

Hes changed a lot since hes been gone which has thrown a rut in my solving of him, swore he or Marshal was inq last game.

What does this stand for, the acronym I know is ā€œeffective altruismā€ but somehow I have a feeling that thatā€™s not correct

Flavor Investigator, essentially.

The less, the better.

I said earlier Iā€™d be willing to vote them, Iā€™m just not sure if itā€™s the best move d1

Marshal was Inq last game, Poss was Knight