[SFM] Candlelight [The Beasts Achieve Victory]

In that case we never got the result of who died via the shot at the beginning

The one Arete began to get PTSD from the JoJo game

Presumably no one died, I donā€™t think Kai would secretly kill someone and not announce it

I think 3 things happened with that shot:
The person who was shot was killed in the modkill thing Kai did (low chance)
The person died last night alongside the others (Possible, like maybe 40%)
The person is still alive but will most likely die tonight (Possible as well)

Can you in good faith say a wolf does this to a teammate

Anyway I am gotta go study guys. Ping me if you need anything and Iā€™ll try to get back as soon as possible

ā€¦probably not

okay so immediate PoE is {PKR, Hippo, Uni, Squid} with some outside possibility of bussing

Okay Iā€™m home from work. Iā€™d be okay killing Hippo or Squid currently

I used all my braincells on Jake lynch though so I doubt Iā€™ll figure anything else out

The shot was almost certainly on marshal

Maybe PKR as well.

I also agree that it was most probably possessed suicide killed marshal

Iā€™ll go use my brain cells tomorrow. My stomachā€™s messing with me and itā€™s almost 11pm rn :^)

The flavor of this would theoretically mean that all wolves are on their own (?)
The wording is weird

Iā€™m going off of no LW passive

Whoā€™s outted mechanical info or their roles so far?

Me - Mason Investigative
Arete - Oracle; revealed number of wolves = 4
Eevee - Some kind of jailer role blocker; so far put me in a chat with them d1

Okay but if Jake actually was a LW why would he claim LW rather than ā€¦ not doing that ā€¦

I donā€™t think Jake is that bad

I really donā€™t know
I canā€™t understand his play

PKR the night killer, I wonder why he wasnā€™t targetted, seems like high priority for wolves

I think my POE is Squid, PKR, Hippo

There are three wolves left

Do you think {Squid, PKR, Hippo} is the entire wolf team