[SFM] Candlelight [The Beasts Achieve Victory]

76 Hours Remain

Vote Count

Arete-Squid [L-4]
Not Voting-Errybody else [L-Infinity]

Uni didnā€™t even make a defense. They just gave up and went radio silent. I know my reads can be trash at times, but cā€™mon!

Yes, yours are worse than Uni giving up rn.

Yeah, itā€™s super townie to give up in MyLo. Yep, 100%. T o t a l l y

Yeah, itā€™s not good.

And you managed to go worse.

See the problem?

Maybe my defense would be better if you stop forcing me to do crap that takes time to go over! HUH?! Everyone knows how I am under pressure and youā€™re not exactly helping my temper here

Squid, your PoV is totally off.
Earlier you told me you are neutral about Uni, now you are telling me they are scummy for giving up.

You are OMGUSing Hippo, becouse they gve no good reasoning on you, when itā€™s obvious theirs reads are becouse of simlar role.
And honestly you should probably have that as main reason too. Not just inventing one out of random.

You fail to provide scumteam you believe in to begin with.
With your only target for today lynch beingā€¦ Arete? You are not keeping options open, just wanting to blindly lynch Arete and not to find scum.

Let me ask you one more time.

Who do you think is your last teammate?

I gave my reasons on these. Iā€™m sure youā€™ll know if you read through them because Iā€™m tired of having to repeat them like a record.

I donā€™t understand the type of questions youā€™re giving me, so please give me more context! Iā€™m at my witā€™s end right now! I donā€™t want to get mislynched and have everyone be disappointed in me, so Iā€™m forced to be this aggressive. Iā€™m not going to get better if you keep deathtunneling me so hard, so why donā€™t YOU keep your options open instead of trying to fry me up into calamari?!

maybe the reason you canā€™t find a third person that actually makes sense is because Iā€™m not Mafia

Heā€™s not confirmed, and heā€™s absolutely in my PoE

I donā€™t believe that you actually think me/PKR/Hippo is actually a viable team

/vote Universal

Letā€™s just do it.

Not enough time left. We need to lynch.

tries to figure out if Iā€™d be able to unvote fast enough if Mafia just start dogpiling Uni

Arete, if we lose, we can just blame 3 modkilled people and Uni for giving defense of ā€œI wonā€™t give defenseā€, chill :^)

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I could apply the same logic to Mafia Academy, that doesnā€™t make it a good thing that I miscleared Astand there

uh this is a super wordy way of saying that even if itā€™s more someone elseā€™s fault, I should still, like, try

/vote Universal

going to just ā€¦ park in thread with a pretyped /unvote for if people start dogpiling Uni I guess

I still kinda think Squidā€™s a better lynch

although to be fair Squid/Uni is suuuper viable


unvoting while I go eat lunch

suggesting anything is gonna happen meanwhile

look I would feel really dumb if you and Uni are both town and Uni gets hammered while Iā€™m biking and canā€™t change my vote