[SFM] Candlelight [The Beasts Achieve Victory]


I’d have been more worried about the risk of hitting a death immune person

To be fair there was also a misvig that killed two townies, and three townies got modkilled

Quick question

How did no one notice this


2 vs 1?

I might be missing something?

You can’t vote

Arete nulls both votes


Add me to dead chat please

i didn’t care about flavor names that much because phone addict(besides jake’s “flavor balancer” lul)

but your class was clearly made by arete. “math and proportions and shit”

and oracle


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You’re not wrong

My fake flavor was Spice Revealer you idiot

The Beast From The Sky (Arete)

The Beast From The Sky

Beast Killing
Indomitable (Passive):You cannot be shot unless Candlelight runs out
Like The Wind (Passive): You cannot be tracked (Upgrade)
Short of Air (Day) Target 1 / 2 player(s) vote will not be counted-2 Uses (Can Be Upgraded)
Suffocate (Night) Kill a player, if you target a beast you will be added into a chat with them.-Infinite (Can Be Upgraded to allow for a 1 shot strongman)
And The Air Left The Room (UNLEASHED)-Kill Two Players-1 uses
See The Humans Perish

The Beast From The Earth (Jake)

The Beast From The Earth

Beast Support
Indomitable (Passive) You cannot be shot unless Candlelight runs out
Hard As Rock (Passive)-Your kills will always be strongman (Upgrade)
And The Earth Rose (Day) Claim vig a player, provide a quote(s) with AT LEAST Their full claim/2/1 of their abilities-Infinite (Can Be Upgraded)
Muddied (Night)-Target player will appear as Beast to all checks tonight, if you target a beast you will be added into a chat with them-Infinite Uses
Rocks Fall (UNLEASHED)-Kill a player and clean their flip-1 use
See The Humans Perish

The Beast From The Sea (Squid)

The Beast From The Sea

Beast Killing
Indomitable (Passive)-You cannot be shot unless Candlelight runs out
Fluid As Water (Passive)-You will appear as Human to all checks (Upgrade)
Poisoned Water (Day)-Target player will be poisoned, they will die in 2/1/At EoD unless healed-4 Uses (Can be upgraded)
Drowned (Night)-Kill a player, if you target a beast you will be added into a chat with them.
The Sea’s Wrath (UNLEASHED)-Poison 3 players, they will die in 2 nights
See The Humans Perish

The Elder Hunter (Did Not Roll)

The Elder Hunter

Human Investigative
Experienced In Their Ways (Passive)-Beasts’ abilities will function on you as if they haven’t been upgraded
Returning Memory (Passive)-Each night you will learn one ability from each beast.
With Age Comes Wisdom (Night)-Check to see if a player is a beast or not-Infinite Uses
See The Beasts Defeated

The Young Hunter (Possessed)

The Young Hunter

Human Killing
Learning Their Ways(Passive)-All beasts’ abilities will function on you as if they are only upgraded once
Studious (Passive)-Every night you will learn something about the beasts.
With Youth Comes Energy (Night)-Shoot a player, if they are town you will die as well-Infinite uses.
See The Beasts Defeated

VT (Derps, Centuries, Sulit, Marshal, Wazza, Uni, Diggity, and DatBird)


Human Citizen
Scared (Passive)-All you have is your voice and your vote, godspeed.
See The Beasts Defeated

The Doctor (Hippo)

The Doctor

Human Support
Desperate (Passive)-At the start of the game, select a player, if they die for any reason gain another use of either Desperate Treatment or Scrounged Up Pills
Scrounged Up Pills (Day/Candlelight)-Cure a player of poison-2 uses
Desperate Treatment-Target a player, if they are attacked delay their death by 2 nights.-3 uses
See The Beasts Defeated

The Phone Addict (Eevee and Kyle)

The Phone Addict

Human Social
Texting App-Your fellow phone addict is [x], you will have a chat with them at all time unless Dating App is used. They are also The Phone Addict class.
Dating App (Day)-Pick another player, you will have a chat with them tonight, leaving your Texting App chat for the night-3 uses.
Camera (Night)-You will learn what happens to target player that night
See The Beasts Defeated

The Deadeye (PKR)

The Deadeye

Human Killing
Self Defense (Passive)-You are immune to death once
Quick Trigger (Night)-If a beast visits you, you will shoot them.-1 use
Take The Offensive (Candlelight Only)-Shoot a player, if they are Human you will not die-4 uses
See The Beasts Perish

full role list

oh yeah “spice revealer”

still clearly fake as shit

But Phone Addict is fine?

Ehhh, why any vote mechanics is working in final 5.

That was one of basic rules for reviewing o.O

Whatever, Luxy being Luxy I guess.

To be fair we didn’t get fake flavor claims, and at the point when we were getting pressured for them we didn’t really have a way of knowing whether the flavors were things like “Mary Harte” or things like “The Young Hunter” or things like “The Starseeker, Chosen by the Gods”

yeah that was fine. because the human theme ended up being like jobs or hobbies or occupations.

and the word “spice” in a classcard doesn’t seem kai-like

and the name “spice revealer” is like a janky name for a class at all

Honestly, Arete should always be lynched last.

But I honestly didn’t see it happening with everyone except me being… inactive?

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slank was a big issue

3 acitve townies died n1 and then d2 was like 100 hours long

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Can we talk about how my class exists only to hardcounter 1 class that might not even roll?