[SFM] Candlelight [The Beasts Achieve Victory]

Do you have reasons for thinking he’s scum besides the fact that he’s pushing you?

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Literally the fact he claimed Neutral means he’s not town.
There’s no reason to keep him around.
At least I can flip town, Marshal can’t.

And by openly claiming the 25 hour thing it makes it so they’re not going to die later on (since town wouldn’t risk hang late game), so it’s survivability for scum potentially.

What would be the motivation behind claiming D1 neut as scum for Marshal?

Marshal’s literally just making us hesitant to kill him… and to vote.
Due to his force-execution ability.
It’s all on purpose.

Delaying tactics. Make the clock tick down

If you don’t want the clock to tick down then why are you trying to kill the person who probably makes it tick down by 25 hours

thinking face

Why would you say this?
Arete, tell me… how are you confident this is true?

Is it because you scumslipped?
As you know Marshal’s not scum and therefore is being truthful?
Or just… defending your scumbuddy?

Perhaps I’m thinking too deeply into this, but I don’t think you’d be this confident as town.

I think the vastly most likely options are (a) lolreactiontesting Marshal or (b) he’s telling the truth – like I literally said two posts ago, I don’t see the motivation in scum!Marshal fakeclaiming neut here, especially since openneuting as actual neut nearly got him lynched in FoL25

(but your shade is noted)

At this point we’re basically wasting day.
As if I get 1 more vote, Marshal’s going to kill an important role and get away with it.
And then not be voted because “It’s just PKR” or some other BS.

Maybe if you don’t want me to vote you you should actually act townie

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ah yes, the person whose sole goal is to make the clock not tick down is… wanting to make the clock tick down

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And this is your claim. Not something I believe… so yeah.

yeah but through my actions do you think i want the game to last long or short?

Well, presumably if we see him acting in a way not consistent with that, that would be a pretty good clue that his claim was fake…

As I said this could easily be delaying tactics by you in order to fill out the day.
And make us afraid of voting you for the non-existent penalty that you claim we’ll get by lynching you.

The entirety of PKR’s Iso, summarized:

  • “don’t kill me I’m important”
  • “Marshal is bad for pushing me”
  • “Arete is bad for pushing me”
  • neuts out
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You won’t change your mind and Marshal doesn’t have to.
So what do you want from me Arete?
I’m merely pointing out a possibility between you and Marshal for when I flip town.

We’re like 500 posts into the game PKR

If I get sufficient evidence to change my mind I absolutely will

Right now you’re really not helping your case

I claimed, then admitted my claim f’d up then corrected it.
I claimed something with such negative EV for a human to have while claiming I’m a human.

I don’t understand how you can think I’m scum doing all this when I’ve not really been properly pushed.
Like, I have 0 reason to be scared of the opinion of Marshal because he claimed non-town.

So claiming I panic claimed due to a neutral claim pushing me makes 0 sense.

is your ability compulsive?

I don’t see how this helps your case though


Maybe if you have an ability that’s minus EV for humans

It’s because you aren’t a human