[SFM] Candlelight [The Beasts Achieve Victory]


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But it doesnā€™t do anything

You are the same amount of out that you were before

No, not quite.
I was at the door; now iā€™m at the road.

I wasnā€™t talking to you

I didnā€™t throw it.
I tossed it.


ily2 :slight_smile:

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I got stuff going on. Sorry, maybe around the beginning of 2020

i mean idk
i donā€™t have 2020 vision so iā€™m not sure whatā€™s gonna happen then


The world ends in 2020


12/18 is the earliest I can play

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Iā€™m signed up for other games on top of getting ready for my first semester of college, sorry

valid, gl at college mate.


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not happening on my end

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I might delay this to 2020 if thatā€™s ok with the mods, everyone seems to be busy with other games currently.

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No wonder Hoes Mad



no u